December 18, 2005
At 18:16 Senate session has started. C-SPAN2 says that there will be only general speeched today, no votes. Also, CSPAN-2 stated that the GOP leadership was planning to attach oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to the Defense spending bill. The Defense spending bill is pending in the Senate.
But at 18:22 the Senate is still in a quorum call...
At 18:47 Senate is still in quorum call...CSPAN-2 is doing a picture-and-picture showing House Democrats reacting to the holdup on the Defense Spending Bill. They are discussing how the House Repub leadership is attaching to the bill a provision changing campaign finance law...Senate and House conferees signed the report but House dems have withdrawn their sigs...Senate might have withfrawn its sigs...
Quorum call continues...[17:10]...[18:25]...
At [20:37] Senate adjourns until tomorrow morning at 9:30 e.s.t. Frist said he expects senate will have conference reports back from House.
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