Hit the Showers, John
John Kerry (D-MA) will serve out his term in the U.S. Senate, but when his seat comes up for re-election in November 2008, Kerry will either choose not to run (announcing a renewed attempt for the presidency), lose the Democratic primary, or lose to a Massachusetts Republican vying for the open seat.
In one word, John Kerry's political life is DONE. His recent comments on the Iraq war, in which he said that students who don't study hard enough will end up in Iraq, have put the final nail in his political coffin. Sure, Kerry might have been right about a certain percentage of the soldiers who are in Iraq or are headed there. BUT, there are enough soldiers out there who decided to enlist, or are in the reserves because they needed money for college, or went through ROTC for the same reason to prove Kerry's remarks inaccurate and stupid.
Sorry, John, you've said enough. Democrats still resent your failed run for the Presidency in 2004 and now that you've given Republicans a gift one week before a tight election, no one wants to listen to you anymore and voters are ready to look hard at any other name on a ballot where yours also appears.
I think the republicans are clutching at straws, there is real anger about the direction of the USA at many levels, not only the war, but also inequality.
Soldiers are mostly from poor families, especially in the USA. Why is that? Why aren't rich kids going off to war? What kind of democracy allows this to happen?
The fact that the poor are usually not very educated (lets be honest: some are stupid some are average, few are highly intelligent but very very few would have gone to the army if they had alternatives especially these days) reflects the fact that most higher education in the US is very expensive and private.
Poor people are mostly excluded from education. The big change now is that unlike the past if you don't have a college degree you are unlikely to get a good job, and blue collar jobs are going to China Mexico and India, making the rich people that own the companies exporting those jobs richer (shareholders are included in this).
Increasingly middle income americans are affected too, mostly through their children. Sometimes as there are no good jobs to go to to live like a human being, people are forced to go to the army as it offers training and the only viable career...
Some become criminals... some become cleaners etc..
Whereas C students like Bush succeed based on their parents money not their own efforts, so this is hardly meritocracy. I wouldn't call Bush a smart man certainly he doesn't think about policy. I think he has outsourced the thinking to other unelected people who are influenced by lobbyists around him which is a big problem in a democracy.
As we live in a world were the rich can avoid the army, saying that poor people are the ones fighting the war is not a lie
Just think about it... Increasingly being poor makes you a non citizen in America..
This is particularly relevant since both Bush and Cheney avoided going to Vietnam by Bush getting his rich family to intervene for him to guard the fearsome invaders in Texas (i.e. nobody) during Vietnam, always at the ready from the bar, armed with several bottles of alcohol. Whereas Cheney used his university study as a reason not to go to Vietnam and he was granted this.
If they had fought in a war i would have much more time in listening to Bush or Cheney talk about the necessity of war or sacrifice, the reality is neither has experienced it... and they talk far too much about it.
I also fear that they use the war to obscure the financial interests they protect in the background. Americans need to do something about the corruption of their government.. its overwhelming everything and is making the country wobble.
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