What Would Joe Do?
Senator Lieberman won re-election last week in Connecticut and has announced his intention to caucus with the Democrats. Basically, this means he will organize with the Democrats and vote with the Democrats, as a default, on each roll call vote. But what can we really expect from Joe? The following list of issues details Lieberman's voting proclivity, as compiled from his recent voting record. The first list includes those issues on which he voted with Republicans. The second list includes those issues on which he voted with the Democrats.
Briefly, he has voted with Bush and the Republicans on Bush Administration Iraq policy, Bush's war on terror policy, and in favor of free trade initiatives. Yet, he sticks with Dems on domestic issues, such as taxes, Alito, ANWR, and abortion. Of course, this is a simplification of Lieberman. His voting record is actually quite nuanced. For example, he voted for Bush's military commissions bill, but he also voted in favor of Specter's attempt to add habeas corpus protections to the bill (which failed). And, although Lieberman is seen as falling into line with the Bush Administration policy on Iraq and terror, Lieberman voted against confirmation of Flory as Asst. Secretary of Defense.
With Republicans:
Bush's Military Commissions Bill
Free Trade efforts, e.g. the Oman Free Trade Act
Limited Congressional Oversight on Iraq
Crack-down on earmarks
With Dems:
Sunsetting the military commissions bill
Habeas review for detainees
Democrat alternative to Port Security Bill
Stem Cells
Minimum Wage increase
Estate Tax Repeal
Bush-style Immigration Reform
Health Care
Flory as Asst. Secretary of Defense
Drilling in ANWR
Prohibiting the gov't from raising its debt ceiling [this failed]
Pay As You Go budget rules [this failed]
Voting against Alito confirmation
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