January 26, 2007: Petraeus Passes the Senate; No Other Floor Votes Today; Min Wage Bill in Limbo
On Monday, the Senate starts the day at 14:00 eastern. There will not be any votes.
We all have memories, answers Reid. I remember that the minority during the Frist Era had very little chance to offer amendments on bills. Reid now is moving on to the topic of Iraq. Cloture for min wage Tuesday at noon eastern.
Reid wants the Senate to vote on one of the Iraq resolutions next week. S. Con Res. 2, I think he said. This is the Hagel, Biden resolution. Reid is filing a cloture motion on the resolution. It will need 60 votes to pass.
They're slingin it now. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) follows Reid by saying that the Senate had a chance to vote on a minimum wage last year but the Dems held it up. Historically, says McConnell, it has been the practice of Congress to pass a minimum wage bill package that includes tax provisions. My friends on the other side of the aisle are learning what it means to be the majority in the Senate, he says. McConnell notes that the first cloture vote the majority attempted to pass was for the "clean" version of the bill and that that was a waste of time. McConnell and his side have "a few very important" amendments that have to be considered.
Majority Leader Reid (NV) says enough is enough and it's time to vote for cloture on the minimum wage "substitute" bill. This "substitute" includes some tax breaks for small businesses—meaning it is not "clean" as was the House version of the bill. Reid says that the average CEO can work until noon on the first day of the year and make as much during that time as a minimum wage worker toiling for the entire year. The tax breaks offered in amendments by the minority total $350b.
There won't be any more votes today. The Senate is in session and senators are welcome to come to the floor to talk about whatever they want. The debate consuming the last hour or so concerns the pending minimum wage bill.
Edward Kennedy (MA) believes that the minority has engaged in a filibuster of the minimum wage "by amendment." He wonders what the Republicans have against raising the minimum wage.
For their part, minority senators such as John Enzi (WY) and Lamar Alexander (TN) assert that they are not opposed to a minimum wage increase, and would vote for one, as long as the minimum wage bill includes tax breaks for "small businesses" to ease the burden that the government is placing on them by fixing the minimum wage throughout the country.
There are a heap of pending amendments. Majority Leader Reid (NV) has announced that the Senate will vote once again for cloture on the min wage bill on Tuesday. Whether this motion passes (60 votes needed) depends on which minority senators are satisfied that sufficient tax break language has been added to the bill.
The Senate has confirmed General David Petraeus as the new top commander in Iraq, 81-0.
Senate is rolling early today. The Senate is about to consider the David H. Petraeus nomination. Gen. Petraeus is slated to become the head general in Iraq. He enjoys wide-reaching support and this nomination vote should move quickly and without rancor.
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