Friday, March 2, 2007: Amendment to 9/11 Commission Recommendations Bill
The Senate is done for the day. It will return to action on Monday at 1:30 est.
The Senate will commence action at 9:30 est. At 10:00 it will vote on two amendments to what is now called the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Bill, S.4. One is a Sununu Amdt., the other is a Salazar Amdt. More info to come as to what the amdenments do. There was only one vote yesterday, in which 58 senators voted to table a Schumer amendment requiring that all shipping containers be scanned as they enter the U.S. Under current law, only some containers are scanned. Schumer wants all containers scanned because he fears that terrorists will smuggle a nuclear bomb into the country via shipping containers. Only 38 votes to keep the amendment alive, mostly Dems but including Republicans: Specter (PA)...well, just Specter. Dems voting to table (i.e. kill) the amdt. included: Akaka, Bingaman, Brown, Byrd, Carper, Cantwell, Conrad, Inouye, Landrieu, Lieberman, Murray, Nelson (FL), & Wyden.
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