March 14, 2007: Iraq Resolution Debate In Senate; Vote on Motion to Proceed Imminent
The motion to proceed to full debate on the Iraq War passed with an 89-9 vote. Republicans voting against the motion to proceed included: Allard, Bond, Bunning, Coburn, Cornyn, DeMint, Enzi, Hatch, Inhofe, and Thomas.
Since the motion to proceed passed, senators have taken to the floor, with up to ten minutes to speak on the Reid Iraq Resolution. The resolution calls for troops to begin leaving Iraq in 120 days, with all troops out by March 2008 (except for troops remaining for training purposes and other limited missions).
The Senate is voting on a motion to proceed to debate on the measure. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) indicated it would pass. As the votes are read, it sounds like most senators are voting to proceed to debate. So far, the votes against proceeding to debate are: Bond, Bunning, Enzi.
The Senate is in the midst of one hour of debate concerning the Reid Resolution concerning U.S. policy on the Iraq war. The Resolution calls for troops to be pulled out of Iraq by March 31, 2008, excepting some missions.
So far the following senators have spoken on the floor:
McCain (AZ)
Biden (DE)
Levin (MI)
Alexander (TN)
Reed (RI)
Both Republicans voiced opposition to the resolution. Lamar Alexander (TN) opposes the resolution but said that it's time the President pulled the Iraq Study Group Report off of his shelf and used it for something other than a book-end.
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