Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Roll Call: DREAM Act

The DREAM Act, a.k.a. an act for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, failed to get past a cloture vote earlier today. It garnered 52 yeas to 44 nays.

The DREAM Act represented what is likely the final Democrat attempt in 2007 to get across some sort of change in immigration policy. The Act would have given aliens who entered the country illegally at less than 16 years of age but who were not yet 30 the chance to obtain U.S. citizenship granted they had achieved certain educational goals or entered the military.

A "yea" vote was a vote supporting the Act.

Here is how senators voted:

Yeas: Most Democrats and Bennett (UT), Brownback (KS), Coleman (MN), Collins (ME), Craig (ID), Hagel (NE), Hatch (UT), Hutchison (TX), Lott (MS), Lugar (IN), Martinez (FL), and Snowe (ME).

Nays: Most Republicans and Baucus (MT), Conrad (ND), Dorgan (ND), Landrieu (LA), McCaskill (MO), Pryor (AR), and Tester (MT).

There were no-votes from: Boxer, Dodd, McCain, and Kennedy.

So, that was 12 Republicans voting for the Act and seven Democrats voting against it.


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