Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Peru Free Trade Agreement Passes

Yesterday the Senate approved a trade deal with Peru by a 77-18 vote. Only one Republican voted against the deal, Jon KYl (AZ). The Democrats voting against the deal were Akaka (HI), Boxer (CA), Brown (OH), Byrd (WV), Casey (PA), Dorgan (ND), Feingold (WI), Harkin (IA), Klobuchar (MN), Kyl (AZ), Leahy (VT), McCaskill (MO), Reed (RI), Reid (NV), Sanders (VT), Stabenow (MI), Tester (MT), and Whitehouse (RI).

Quite a few freshman senators in that list. The Presidential candidates did not vote.

I can't explain the Kyl vote. It's possible that he interpreted the deal as being bad for Arizona in some way. It's hard to tell because McCain (AZ) was a no-vote.


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