Here is my count as to how the Senate will look after today's election. Recall that the current totals are: 55 Republicans, 44 Democrats, 1 Independent.
I have the after-election totals going: 51 Republicans, 47 Democracts, 2 Independents. If you want to count Sanders and Lieberman, the two indies, as Dems, then it is 51 Repub/49 Dems.
Here's what the final counts will look like:
Republicans (51, -4): Alexander (TN), Allard (CO), Allen (VA), Bennett (UT), Bond (MO), Brownback (KS), Bunning (KY), Burr (NC), Chafee (RI), Chambliss (GA), Coburn (OK), Cochran (MS), Coleman (MN), Collins (ME), Corker (TN), Cornyn (TX), Craig (ID), Crapo (ID), DeMint (SC), Dole (NC), Domenici (NM), Ensign (NV), Enzi (WY), Graham (SC), Grassley (IA), Gregg (NH), Hagel (NE), Hatch (UT), Hutchison (TX), Inhofe (OK), Isakson (GA), Kyl (AZ), Lott (MS), Lugar (IN), Martinez (FL), McCain (AZ), McConnell (KY), Murkowski (AK), Roberts (KS), Sessions (AL), Shelby (AL), Snowe (ME), Smith (OR), Specter (PA), Stevens (AK), Sununu (NH), Thomas (WY), Thune (SD), Vitter (LA), Voinovich (OH), Warner (VA)
Democrats (47, +3): Akaka (HI), Baucus (MT), Bayh (IN), Biden (DE), Bingaman (NM), Boxer (CA), Brown (OH), Byrd (WV), Cantwell (WA), Cardin (MD), Carper (DE), Casey (PA), Clinton (NY), Conrad (ND), Dodd (CT), Dorgan (ND), Durbin (IL), Feingold (WI), Feinstein (CA), Harkin (IA), Inouye (HI), Johnson (SD), Kennedy (MA), Kerry (MA), Klobuchar (MN), Kohl (WI), Landrieu (LA), Lautenberg (NJ), Leahy (VT), Levin (MI), Lincoln (AR), McCaskill (MO), Menendez (NJ), Mikulski (MD), Murray (WA), Nelson (NE), Nelson (FL), Obama (IL), Pryor (AR), Reed (RI), Reid (RI), Rockefeller (WV), Salazar (CO), Schumer (NY), Stabenow (MI), Tester (MT), Wyden (OR)
Independents (2, +1): Lieberman (CT), Sanders (VT)
Totals tip due to losses by: DeWine (R-OH) [Brown], Burns (R-MT) [Tester], Santorum (R-PA) [Casey], Talent (R-MO) [McCaskill]
Effectively no change because of: Sanders (I-VT)/Jeffords (I-VT), Corker (R-TN)/Frist (R-TN), Klobuchar (D-MN)/Dayton (D-MN), Cardin (D-MD)/Sarbanes (D-MD),
Variations on outcomes:
Burns wins (52, 46, 2)
Chafee loses (50, 48, 2)
Chafee loses, Burns wins (51, 47, 2)
Webb wins (50, 48, 2)
Burns wins, Webb wins (51, 47, 2)
Chafee loses, Webb wins (49, 49, 2)
Chafee loses, Burns wins, Webb wins (50, 48, 2)
Steele wins (52, 46, 2)
Steele wins, Chafee loses (51, 47, 2)
Steele wins, Burns wins (53, 45, 2)
Steele wins, Webb wins (51, 47, 2)
Steele wins, Chafee loses, Burns wins (52, 46, 2)
Steele wins, Chafee loses, Webb Wins (50, 48, 2)
Steele wins, Burns wins, Webb wins (52, 46, 2)
Steele wins, Chafee loses, Burns wins, Webb wins (51, 47, 2)